Ethos & Values

Ethos - Our Culture, Our Characteristics


This statement is not complex, it simply means that, as a school, we believe in:
Leading, as individuals and as a community, towards achieving our Learning ambitions whilst supporting one another Together.
For me, as Headteacher, within this ethos, ‘Togetherness’ is the really crucial element of school life; it is the bedrock of our school.
Our ethos statement is our 21st Century Maxim, which builds on the spirit of our traditional original school motto of: ‘Non Nobis Solum’ – ‘Not for Ourselves Alone’ 


Values - Our principles, Our judgements of what is important in the life of our school

Our values permeate through all we do…

We have designed our School Values CODE Statement in order to help define how we go about achieving our Ethos. We are a ‘values-based’ school, within which we believe in aspiration, fairness, equality, the rule of law, respect, tolerance, justice, care and courtesy, all of which are interwoven with our CODE.

Commitment; towards our school, our ambitions, our achievement, our progress, our development, our learning, to safety, to each other and our duties, and our broader commitment to local, national and global communities.

Opportunity; a determination to take advantage of opportunities in life; to be the best we can be and to contribute to our community.

Discipline; a recognition that a disciplined and focused attitude is essential in order to achieve our best and to give of our best to others and situations.

Excellence; a determination to achieve to our highest possible standards and contribute to our society.


Building upon our CODE…Our Values Pledge:
  • We believe in our students and in their generation; we pledge to do all that we can to help them to live fulfilled, safe, happy and productive lives in their communities as valued citizens

  • We seek to ensure that all learners have the opportunity to excel, succeed and achieve beyond potential and fulfil their ambitions.

  • Our whole community culture should be built upon the principles of aspiration, excellence, fairness, respect, tolerance, care and courtesy.

  • Standards of behaviour and discipline are high; we are firm but fair in application. Maintaining a positive learning environment is central to our aims.

  • Our learners are individuals and we respect their needs. Furthermore, we expect all to respect the needs of others in our learning community.

  • We are ambitious for our learners; we expect all to work hard, to accept the challenge, to delight in the accumulation of knowledge and to find enrichment, reward and enjoyment in their learning.

  • We are determined to build upon the principles of reflective practice, evaluation and quality assurance in order to strive to be an improving Teaching & Learning community.

  • We aspire for our learners to develop the capacity to lead, to become highly capable, independent, caring, considerate and responsible people so as to make a positive contribution to our society and our environment in the service of others.

  • We aspire for our learners to be adaptable, resilient and confident people who embrace and grasp opportunities presented by change; to make a positive impact at Boston High School and beyond.