Special Educational Needs

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Introduction from Mrs Osborn

This video was recorded for a virtual open evening, however covers all you need to know about SEND support at Boston High School

Boston High School SEN Information Report

At Boston High School we want every student to achieve their full potential, both academically and as individuals ready for adult life beyond school. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school and we comply with the SEN Code of Practice (January 2015) and Equality Act 2010. At Boston High School all students follow the National Curriculum. We recognise that a number of our students may require tailored and targeted support over and above the usual academic and pastoral provision; this may be either a temporary or permanent nature. We aim to tailor and target support for individual students who have been identified as having a Special Educational Need.

Examples of need we have successfully supported include:

  • Autism

  • Dyslexia

  • SpLD (Specific Learning Differences)

  • Visual or hearing impairment

  • Physical Disabilities

  • Chronic Medical Conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), diabetes

  • Mental health and emotional issues

  • ADHD


Staff within the SEN department

SENCO  Mrs K Osborn 
SEND Administrator, Student Mentor, MHFA Mrs P Mitchell
ELSA, SEN 1:1, Teaching Assistant Mrs H Ellis
SEN 1:1 and Teaching Assistant Miss L Simpson Tunnard
SEN 1:1 and Teaching Assistant Miss K Wyles
SEN 1:1 and Teaching Assistant Mrs J Carr

Teaching and other staff have regular SEN training. Recent examples of training include dyslexia, processing barriers and autism awareness.


Intervention and Support: Assess, Plan, Do, Review

The first step to a graduated response for students who may or do have SEN is high quality teaching which is differentiated to meet the needs of the student. Where further support is required the SEN department will investigate and review evidence of need. The SEN department is able to dyslexia screen where evidence identifies that this may be required. Where extra SEN support is required further interventions will be planned and external agencies may be included. Students may be assessed by the Specialist Teacher Team where evidence identifies that this is the correct route. This will usually take place in the year before their GCSE or GCE examinations. Students with identified SEN needs will have a student profile drawn up. The student profile identifies the need and sets out recommended support and targets. This may be informed by recommendations from the Specialist Teaching Team where an assessment has been carried out.

The SENCO works closely with teaching staff to ensure strategies for individual students are appropriate and effective. All teachers are required to read the student profiles for students they teach and differentiate their teaching as appropriate. Student profiles are reviewed regularly.

Students are provided with a “passport” which highlights how staff can support students and includes key points from their student profile. This provides readily available information for teaching and cover staff to help them to support students.

Students with SEN needs may use laptops and other resources such as an electronic reading software programme where suitable and practicable.

The school may apply for examination access arrangements, following recommendations by the Specialist Teaching Team. These arrangements are subject to approval by the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) and a student’s access arrangements may change or be withdrawn where the regulations are changed by the JCQ.

Parent/carers are consulted prior to Specialist Teacher assessment, referral to outside services, where an application for a EHCP is advised and when reviewing student profiles.


Professional Referrals and Support

Referrals to other professionals and agencies are made when deemed necessary. We are always happy to facilitate sessions in school. Examples of agencies we may work with are:

  • Educational Psychologist

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS)

  • Specialist nurses such as Diabetes nurse

  • Family Support Services

  • Working Together team

  • Community paediatricians

  • Occupational therapist

  • Sensory service

  • Virtual school

  • Specialist Teaching Team


Supporting Medical Needs and Conditions

Students with chronic medical needs or conditions have a Care Plan drawn up by our school First Aider, in consultation with parents/carers and medical professionals, where appropriate. Should these needs impact on their access to learning a referral is made to the SENCO who will put in place an appropriate support plan. Support from specialist medical staff is sought where appropriate and designated school staff will undergo relevant training to enable them to provide the agreed support.


Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP)

Very occasionally, where it is identified that further support is required, an application may be made to the local authority for an EHCP. This would be in consultation with parents/carers.


Academic SEN Support

Students may be given targeted small group English and Maths support as identified by the Head of department and Head of Key Stage. For academic support, students who have special educational needs may be timetabled for time out of the classroom to work in the SEN Hub.


The Hub


Emotional Support

The SEN department has a sensory area “The Snug” for students with certain special educational needs. Support is provided by the SEN TEAM and the pastoral team. The school will work in partnership with outside agencies where further emotional support is required.


The Snug


The Ark

Interventions for support, such as ELSA (Emotional literacy support), ‘Talkabout’ social emotional support and sensory circuits take place within the SEN “Ark”. There is also a sensory garden for students to use.


Transition and Induction

Once they have accepted the offer of a place, all new Year 7 students are visited in their primary school by the Head of Key Stage or Senior Leadership Team and their primary school teachers are consulted. Prospective Year 7 students are invited to attend a taster day in the summer term prior to starting school in September. There is also a summer school held during the summer holidays. In Year 12 students may choose to attend the taster day before applying.

For all students where there is a known learning need a meeting will be arranged with parents/carers and the SENCo to agree a transition plan. Where appropriate, additional transition visits will be arranged.


Children in care (Looked after children)

Where students are in the care of the local authority the designated teacher, Mrs Osborn, will liaise with the virtual school and local authority. Regular reviews will be made of the students’ personal education plan. If a student is in the care of Lincolnshire County Council then a SEN assessment may be made by the Specialist Teacher Team. Where a SEN need is identified then appropriate support will be provided in consultation with the virtual school. Appropriate emotional and academic support is planned for students who are looked after or previously looked after.


Lincolnshire Local Offer

The Lincolnshire Local offer can be found by clicking the link at the top of this page. The Local Offer is part of the Special Educational Needs and Disability reforms from the Children and Families Act 2014. The Local Offer includes information regarding services and provision available for the children and families of children with Special Educational, Needs and Disabilities.



If you would like to raise any concerns about our SEN provision, please contact our Complaints Manager by calling the School on 01205 310505.