Our Curriculum

Our Intent

Introduction from the Headteacher, our ‘Top-Level’ overview…

Vision and ambition….

Vision and mission statements are important, they encapsulate ambition. Our statements are built on our School CODE (Commitment, Opportunity, Discipline, Excellence) and our Curriculum vision statement is defined as our LLORR (Love of Learning, Opportunity, Resilience and Respect). 


Our Curriculum… More than Vision and Ambition statements alone…

Our curriculum offer, design, delivery, and our outcomes are at the heart of our drive toward the highest possible quality in our educational provision for all our students.

Our curriculum goes way beyond individual subjects. It encompasses, cross curricula themes, such as Numeracy, Literacy, Personal Development, Safety, Reading, ICT, Health, Relationships, Careers and so much more.

Our curriculum is built on a determination to ensure we do all that we can to prepare our learners for life in the 21st Century, in their local context, and in their broader aspirations.

We aim to inspire learners to develop knowledge, skills and standards that they will need to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in their lives. Please see Curriculum Delivery Policy, on our School Policies Page.


Our curriculum is planned, designed, and delivered in an orderly and sequenced way, so that new knowledge builds upon that which has been learnt before.

Our curriculum is built upon the foundations of the National Curriculum in terms of ‘knowledge and understanding’ & ‘skills and concepts’. We aim to exceed the National Curriculum and to ensure our learners are ready for their next stages in their learning. At its heart is ‘knowledge development’, knowing more, remembering more, and applying more to the correct context and situation.  We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is vital preparation for our students’ future.  See Curriculum Offer document.

Effective teaching and learning are central to curriculum delivery. Effective teaching (pedagogy) is defined as ‘what is right at a given time, in a given subject to achieve a given aim or objective’. Our superb teachers, support staff and leaders are professionals, and we all aim to ensure our curriculum is delivered in such a way so as to make it effective and sustainable for all. With this in mind, professional development and workload management are of crucial importance to us. We want our teachers to be prepared to and be able to deliver the best possible experiences.

Our Curriculum is ambitious for all! It is inclusive and built on a strong academic core, as seen within the Ebacc. suite. Please see the link to Curriculum Year Overviews.


Organisation of the Curriculum at BHS

Our taught curriculum is delivered through a two week timetable to ensure diversity and flexibility. Each day is divided up into five taught periods. The Curriculum Offer details the allocation of lessons across the two-week timetable.


Our School Day

8:40    Tutor time bell

8:45    Registration/Assembly/Tutor Time

9:00    Movement time

9:05    Lesson 1

10:05    Break

10:20    Movement Bell

10:25    Lesson 2

11:25    Movement time

11:30    Lesson 3

12:30    Lunch

13:15    Movement Bell

13:20    Lesson 4

14:20    Movement time

14:25    Lesson 5

15:30    End of School day


And, of course, what about outcomes and impact…?

Through our curriculum ambitions, design and delivery, we remain focused on the outcomes and impact or, ‘what pupils know and can do’. We see outcomes not as an ‘end product’, but as a valuable currency that will enable our learners to progress to their next steps and ambitions in their learning journey. Our outcomes, results and progress measures at Boston High School are exceptional; we are a ‘High Performing School’ and we are proud of all of our learners!