School Council

The School Council plays a vital role in the school community of students, staff, parents and governors. The council’s activities include:

  • fundraising for the school’s Mermaid Fund to pay for all the things that the normal budget cannot.

  • working behind the scenes to improve the school’s environment.

  • co-ordinating charitable events.

  • seeking out student voice through questionnaires.


I think you’ll agree that the School Council volunteers work hard for all. Cecily Lawman is leading the School Council this year and we are always keen to hear your suggestions. You can either talk to members directly or email us through the email

This year the School Council have been meeting at lunch time every Monday. Each meeting consists of a short formal element where the committee discuss upcoming event and other priority items before the council breaks up into working groups to plan upcoming projects. This year we have 4 committees: Site and Eco, Charity and Fundraising (Mermaid Fund), The Big Project and Communication.


The Big Project

This committee plans and executes the bigger council event that we hold throughout the year, such as Wine and Wisdom and the Christmas Bazaar.

This group has been off to a great start this year with a multicultural bake sale planned for before the October half term and an big event in the planning stages for February.


Charity and Fundraising

This committee arranges events such as non-school uniform days to raise money for school and for local and national charities. This committee oversees allocating funds to the school and to the chosen charities, however, any student can approach the council and make a request for part of the funds raised to go to a charity they feel passionate about.


Site and Eco

Some of the monies raised go towards gradually making changes to school facilities to make the school more eco-friendly. Changes we have implemented in the past or are considering implementing include:

  • Changes in the Canteen

  • Developing composting facilities.

  • Developing areas around the school.



This new committee is intended to communicate with the student body, and all other members of the school community about the work that the council does. In addition, this committee will allow the student council to survey students about how they feel regarding certain issues and then advocate on their behalf. The first survey will ask students how they feel about the school site.