School Code

Boston High School is committed to creating an inclusive and safe environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of successful learning. We believe in high aspirations, high expectations and high achievements for all our students.

Our behaviour policy recognises positive behaviour and discourages undesirable behaviour, which allows students to modify their behaviour whilst clear boundaries are in place, within a calm, supportive and safe environment. We provide an environment which nurtures and values young people, enabling them to grow into confident, successful adults.

We aim to equip our students with the experiences, skills, and self-esteem to decide on what their future can be, and to gain the qualifications which will set them onto their chosen pathway ready for the 21st century world of work.

Our school CODE encompasses the expectations we hold for our students, commitment, opportunity, discipline, and excellence. Desirable behaviour has been linked to these 4 values and our recognition points are linked to our school CODE:



COMMITMENT: Every student is committed.

  1. Exhibits a thirst for learning and knowledge, demonstrating perseverance.
  2. Takes responsibility for own learning and behaviour, committed to our school values.
  3. Has high expectations for self in all areas of school including classwork, homework, attendance, and wears our school uniform correctly, taking pride in appearance.
  4. Always acts safely, looking after self and others.


OPPORTUNITY: Every student grasps opportunities.

  1. Attends school, arrives on time, and is prepared for the day ahead, ready to learn.
  2. Takes advantage of opportunities that are presented and actively seeks opportunities.
  3. Is working towards a personal goal and aspirations.
  4. Embraces the chance to learn from others.


DISCIPLINE: Every student considers themselves and others.

  1. Takes ownership of own behaviour and understands the consequences.
  2. Treats others the way they want to be treated.
  3. Accepting of other’s views and beliefs, considering our British Values.
  4. Respects the school community and school environment, demonstrating respect for our school values, standards, and expectations. 


EXCELLENCE: Every student is ambitious.

  1. Embraces change and challenge.
  2. Actively learns from mistakes.
  3. Applies a positive mindset.
  4. Is adaptable; looks to solve problems and thinks creatively.

At Boston High School we believe that our CODE should be fair, consistent, and easy to understand for all in the school community. Our CODE is based on positive and negative points. We give positive points for good behaviour (can be referred to as Recognition Points) and we give negative points for students who break our CODE (can be referred to as Behaviour Points). Behaviour points are deducted from Recognition points to equal Conduct points, and conduct points are considered when formally recognising our student's behaviour in Terms 2, 4 and 6 for our Recognition trips.

We also recognise our students positive behaviour in different ways throughout the academic year. These are:

  • Assembly celebrations for school and external achievements

  • Attendance to school

  • Phone call home

  • Headteacher recognition (rewards, letters, prizes)

  • Academic recognition

  • ‘You are Fab’ subject postcards sent home

  • Subject postcards sent home

  • Featured stories in our bulletin / local press / Facebook page

  • Competition prizes/vouchers


Behaviour is a collective responsibility. All members of our school community are treated with respect, and everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and to accept responsibility for their conduct. We understand that all forms of behaviour are a form of communication and actively engage with students and their families, to resolve any concerns and remove barriers. The context of any behaviour will always be considered, a professional judgement will be made, using a balance of probability. We have embedded a restorative method, with a firm, consistent and fair approach. Disruption to learning will not be tolerated.

Please see our Behaviour Policy for more information, which can be found on our School Policies page.