World of Work

The world of work changes very rapidly, from the type of jobs available, technologies used to the way we operate within the job markets. You only have to reflect on 2020 to visibly see how markets have changes around us. Employability has never been so important, but what do we mean by 'employability', as quoted

“a set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy.” Yorke, M. (2004), Employability in higher education: what it is – what it is not, The Higher Education Academy/ESECT, extracted from Future Learn

Although this refers to graduates, it does apply to all young people whether they are graduates, school leavers or apprentices. Being prepared involves developing skills, knowledge, recognising your achievements, gaining work experience, part-time work, volunteering and accessing training through free online courses.

This webpage will hopefully help to act as a signpost for you to opportunities, websites, resources, events (both virtual and physical) for you to access outside of school.


Preparing for World of Work

How to find jobs

Getting experience

Nailing that CV

Interview skills

Key employability skills

What happens with your first pay cheque

Work Experience Flyer

Work Experience Guide

Work Experience Self Placement Form


Nestlé - Employability Skills Programme


Work Experience

10 good reasons for doing Work Experience

  1. More likely to be successful in job hunting

  2. Perfect way of sampling a career

  3. Gain an insight into chosen career

  4. Will show your passion and interest

  5. A good way to kickstart your career journey

  6. Introduces you to work skills and ethics

  7. A good way to identify skills gaps

  8. Good first impressions to potential employers

  9. Networking opportunties

  10. Good for your CV


Healthcare careers - including Medicine, Dentistry and Allied Health professions

Talent Academy are responsible for coordinating all placements and virtual experiences on offer across Lincolnshire Hospitals and other healthcare settings, to access opportunities:



Lincs Talent Academy

NHS Talent Academy


You will need to set up an account, all free and use the portal login to access and apply for events and placements. Numbers are limited so it is always best to get applications in ASAP.


Business, Finance and Economics opportunities

Chartered Institute of Marketing - Marketing Virtual Work Experience

Vodafone - Innovators Virtual Work Experience

Finance - Virtual Work Experience

BT - Insight Day



Legal Professions

Law Virtual Work Experience


Education and Teaching

Teaching Virtual Work Experience


English, Media and Journalism

Journalism Virtual Work Experience