School Governance
The Purpose of our Governing Body
Our governing body is the accountable body for Boston High School Academy. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The governing body aims to ensure that the students are attending a successful academy which provides the best possible education and supports their individual well-being.
As set out by the Department for Education, our governing body has three core functions;
setting the strategic direction
holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school
ensuring financial health, probity and value for money.
These core functions are achieved by ensuring the Boston High School academy has;
A clear vision and strategy for the academy
A clear statement of academy values
A clear drive to improve standards of education for all students
Ensured that pupil premium expenditure is focused and appropriate
Provided a well balanced and challenging curriculum
Ensured the academy promotes good behaviour to enable effective learning
A sound financial strategy, make the most efficient use of our resources, obtains good value for money and has robust procurement and financial systems
Buildings and other assets which are in good condition and they are well used
Effective means of communication with parents and students and that their views are sought
The governing body believes that to successfully carry out its responsibilities a framework for effective function is necessary which includes;
Having the right people around the table
Understanding the role and responsibilities of the governing body
Good chairing
Professional clerking
Good relationships based on trust
Knowing the school – the data, the staff, the parents, the children, the community
Being committed to asking challenging questions
Being confident to have courageous conversations in the interests of the children and young people.
Minutes of Governing Body Meetings
In line with the Education Act, full governor meeting minutes are available to view by contacting the Clerk to Governors. For further information, please contact the Clerk by e-mail at
Our Governing Body
Our Governing Body is made up of: -
A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 Parent Governors
Up to 3 Staff Governors comprising up to 2 Teachers and up to 1 member of Support Staff (Staff Governors must not exceed one third of the total number of Governors)
The Headteacher
The Governing Body may appoint up to 3 Co-opted Governors
The Governing Body may appoint up to 8 Additional Governors
There are two committees which meet three times a year to focus on specific areas of school life:-
Finance, Premises & Personnel - the Finance, Personnel and Premises committee is a sub-committee of the main Board of Trustees. Its purpose is to oversee the financial, personnel and premises areas of the academy, reporting back to the governing body on a regular basis
Standards & Outcomes (including SEND, Pupil Premium and High Attainers) - the Standards and Outcomes committee is a sub-committee of the main Board of Trustees. Its purpose is to ensure that the Standards of Behaviour, Safety and Academic progress are monitored, challenged and supported by the Governors
Governors will strive to be available to parents at Information and Parents’ Evenings and at school events.
Governing Body Structure, Membership, Declarations of Interest and Meeting Attendances
Clerk to Governors
Mrs M Everard
Executive Pay 2023-24
Number of employees whose benefits (salary, employers’ pension contributions, other taxable benefits and termination payments) exceeded £100,000* :
£160,001 - £170,000: 1
*The reporting of these figures is required to include employers’ pension contributions, and therefore differs from the salary bandings required to be published in Boston High School’s financial statements for the year ending 31st August 2024 (see the extract below).
Number of employees earning more than £100,000 excluding employers’ pension contributions: £130,001 - £140,000: 1
Schools Financial Benchmarking Service
Please find below a link to our School page on the UK government's financial benchmarking service