Boston High School is committed to providing a full and learner-centred education for all its students and improving attendance is everyone’s business. The school is aware of and fully acknowledges the strong correlation between high levels of attendance at school and high levels of student attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances and as such, endeavours to provide a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment in which all students are enabled to reach their full potential, holding high expectations regarding attendance and punctuality. To this end, the school will support students and their families to achieve a maximum possible attendance of 190 school days per academic year, and that any problems, which may impede full attendance, are acted on as quickly as possible. Attendance will always be explored and considered from a safeguarding perspective.
Senior Leader Attendance Champion: Mrs Franks
"Every day counts"
Your child's attendance target is 96%+
At 96% attendance – 73% of students achieve five good grades at GCSE (9-4) including English and Maths, however even at 96% attendance a student would have missed 45 hours of learning. The research shows that for every 17 days missed from school a child is likely to drop one GCSE grade in EVERY subject. Only 35% of those with attendance between 80-90% will achieve five good grades (9-4) at GCSE including English and Maths.
BHS Attendance Non-negotiables
Every child is expected to attend school every day.
When students’ attendance falls below 96%, they become a concern for senior leaders. Attendance is monitored daily, weekly, termly and yearly.
Daily contact is made with the parents of students whose attendance is a concern.
Good attendance is recognised and celebrated publicly.
Students whose attendance is consistently good are rewarded well.
Students who are persistently absent are monitored daily and parents are contacted daily to celebrate improvements or remind of targets. Records are kept of this contact.
All parents are informed of attendance expectations at transition into school including students who join midyear.
Reasonable adjustments are made for students with medically diagnosed serious illness. Termly meetings are held with parents and medical professionals to update next steps.
Medical appointments must be held outside of the school day except in exceptional circumstances where school leaders are made aware of the exceptional circumstances.
Unauthorised leave can lead to penalty notices.
Department for Education Attendance Percentage Categories
95% and above |
Expected attendance |
91-94% |
At risk of persistent absence |
80-90% |
Persistent absence |
51-79% |
At risk of severe persistent absence |
Less than 50% |
Severe persistent absence |
BHS Attendance Ladder
If in a school year, your child |
Your child will have lost |
Or they would have missed |
5 minutes | 3.5 days from school | 20 lessons |
10 minutes | 7 days from school | 41 lessons |
15 minutes | 10 days from school | 50 lessons |
20 minutes | 14.5 days from school | 82 lessons |
30 minutes | 22 days from school | 123 lessons |
Expectations regarding attendance at BHS
We expect the following from all our students:
That they attend school regularly, minimum of 96%.
That they will arrive on time, by 8.40am and be appropriately prepared for the day.
They will arrive to lessons promptly, ready to learn.
That they will inform the school of any problems or reasons that may prevent them from attending school.
We expect the following from parents/carers:
To ensure their children attend school regularly (minimum of 96%) and punctually (by 8.40am – school site is open from 8.30am).
To ensure that they contact the school by 9am whenever their child is unable to attend, preferably by telephoning school office on 01205 310505 on the morning of the first day of absence or via ParentMail and on an ongoing basis until their return to school. Understand that we may carry out a home visit if we have not heard from you, to ascertain the safety and welfare of the students.
To ensure that their children arrive in school well prepared for the school day and to check that they have done their homework.
To contact our Family Support Officer in confidence whenever any problem regarding attendance occurs that affects their child’s performance in school. At Boston High School, we want to work in partnership with our parents/carers.
Provide school with medical evidence for student absence, such as appointment cards, emails, not requesting medical notes.
Attend any attendance meetings if attendance deteriorates and engage with support.
To ensure we have two up to date contact details for emergencies.
Ensure absence requests forms are completed prior to absence, of at least 2 weeks beforehand.
To check your child’s attendance via the EduLink App.
Attendance and the Law
Under The Education Act 1999, parents are responsible for ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive full-time education. Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child’s regular attendance at the school where they are registered.
It is parents’ legal responsibility to ensure their child receives the education their child or children is entitled to and therefore they must ensure their child or children attend school.
If a child of compulsory school age who is registered at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, the parent is guilty of an offence under this Act.
Please see our Attendance and Truancy Policy for more information.
Boston High School Attendance Policy
Boston High School Absence Request Form
Letter to Parents - Attendance Procedures and Fixed Penalty Notices